Talking About The New Direction

I’m not a guy who likes to revisit the past, but sometimes I have to make changes to things that I feel need improvement.

I’m sure you all have noticed that I have been making changes to my books starting with Corona. Cosmetic changes, to be sure, but changes none the less.


I suppose you could say that I am bowing to the reality of what I am trying to accomplish as a self-published author. In short, what I am doing isn’t bearing the kind of fruit that I want to be stocking my basket with. So, changes need to be made. New book covers, experimenting with new ways to get the word out there, yada…yada…yada. I’m not adverse to trying new things.

I had a feeling when I was putting these upgrades in place that they were going to be a strain on available resources. I consider them investments in both myself and my creative efforts. Will they pay off? Only time will tell, but I believe in myself and what I’m doing. As a result of this, I am slowing down the work on Lights and Shadows while I get The Three Safeties, Vessel, and Parallax squared away. I’m not exactly sure how that will affect my current writing schedule, but it needs to be done and now is as good a time as any.

As a result of this, I am slowing down the work on Lights and Shadows while I get The Three Safeties, Vessel, and Parallax squared away. I’m not exactly sure how that will affect my current writing schedule, but it needs to be done and now is as good a time as any.

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