Siblinghood of the World Bloggers Award


This award caught me by surprise so thanks to Alicia at The Cyborg Knight ( for nominating me. 🙂

The Rules:

They’re pretty straightforward so here they are:

•Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog

•Display the award on your blog

•Answer the ten questions sent to you

•Nominate ten bloggers for the award

•Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

The Questions and Answers:

1. When did you really get into reading? Was it at an earlier age or later in life?

My earliest memory was reading a high school science book at Age 6. Back then, I wanted to grow up to be an Astronaut so I read and memorized anything and everything about Space that I could get my paws on. Later, when I discovered that my near-sightedness wasn’t going to get me flying except in Coach, I read Fiction and discovered that Writing was more attainable and infinitely more fun.

2.What do you like to do when you are not reading?

Reading and Writing tend to go hand in hand so if I’m not reading something, I’m most likely writing. When I’m not writing (gasp), I can be found playing music, games, or just being out and about. I like to keep busy.

3.If you had to live in any world in any book, what would it be?

There was a book that I loved in my younger days called The Passing Bells, by Philip Rock, that describes an English family whose lives are changed by WWI. I always loved that early 20th Century world and would have loved to have spent time there.

4.What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you become what your 6 year old self wanted to be?

I kind of answered this question in #1, but I’ll add on that while I never became an Astronaut, I do write about them today. 🙂

5.What is your favorite Christmas or Holiday tradition?

My favorite Christmas Tradition is to sit and watch It’s A Wonderful Life, no matter where I happen to find myself.

6.What TV shows are you ridiculously obsessed with?

Sadly, I don’t watch much TV because I am usually deep into one of my books but I was a big Firefly fan once upon a time.

7.If you could have lunch with any author or actor or mentor/hero, who would it be?

Ernest Hemingway or Robert Heinlein. Hell, I’d ever pick up the check.

8.How long does it usually take you to finish a book?

If the Story really grabs my attention, I can power through a typical novel is about an hour or two. I once read War and Peace in six hours.

9.Do you have any pets? What pets would you like to someday bring into your home?

My current living situation doesn’t allow pets but I did have four house rabbits at one time which were a joy. If I were to have pets again, I’d probably get a Maine Coon Cat.

10.If I told you I didn’t like to read, but I was hoping to find a book that would change my opinion of reading, what book would you recommend to me?

This is a difficult question to answer because someone who doesn’t like to read will be a tough sell. First I would have to find out what their interests were before making a recommendation. One book that stands out for me is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. It was the first Sci-Fi book that I read as a kid and it’s still a cute story today.

My Nominations:

1. Alex @ Glitchy Artist (

2. Fred @ Fred Colton (

3. Emma @ Blu Chicken Ninja (

4. Jess @ (

5. The Tunnel of Thoughts (

6. Kent @ Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha (

7. Askyermom (

8. Isa-Lee @ A Bit to Read (

9. Jnana @ Jnana’s Red Barn (

10. Eve @ Eve Messenger’s OtherWORDly Endeavors (

My Questions for You:

1. When you started out with your Blog, where did you envision it going?

2. When you write, are you a Plotter or a Pantser?

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?

4. What Genre do you most like to read?

5. If you could change one thing in Society with no repercussions, what would it be?

6. Chicken or Fish? (There’s no wrong answer…hehe)

7. What do you like to do when you take a day off?

8. Humor is a subjective thing. What do you find funny?

9. What do you consider the greatest benefit to The Internet?

10. If you could solve one mystery, what would it be?





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