Slow Writing Days

Some days, the writing flows like water and I feel like I’m at the top of my game. Then there are those other days when every sentence struggles to come out and finishing the current chapter is like accomplishing one of the Labors of Hercules.

Hemingway was right when he said that “all first drafts are shit” and though I love where Lights and Shadows is going, I must admit that it was a lot more fun when I was first developing the plot than writing the actual story…hehe. How does Hemingway’s quote fit into this? Simple, because while I love the story as a concept, it feels a little like it’s dragging and it has been provoking various synonyms for fecal matter to spontaneously expel themselves from my mouth.

I jest, of course.

The truth is that every story has its own challenges and we must adjust to each while putting our best effort forward. Ironically, I’ve found that each slow period is often followed by a burst of prose that would make Mr. H proud.

Now, where’s that Scotch…

8 thoughts on “Slow Writing Days

  1. I find the development stage the most fun. And then it gets less fun from there, lol. The first draft has a sense of completion about it and then the editing process stretches the limits of passion one has for a given project.

    Ah, Scotch. I’ve been enjoying the Belvenie 12 year Doublewood lately, although my favorites are the Dalmore 15 and the Glenfiddich 18. Recommendations are a crapshoot though, as everyone told me the Macallan 12 was amazing, but it tastes like sour rubber to me.

    (Betcha didn’t know this lil gal was a Scotch drinker, didja? :P)


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