Happy New Year 2016: Onward and Upward

Wow, it’s 2016 already and as you may have guessed, I figured out what my yearly motto will be or rather a continuation of what I started in 2015.

My plans for 2016 aren’t going to vary much from last year. Write some more books, get them out there, try to keep my sanity. 😉

Okay, I have some good news and some not so good news…

The Good News is that yes, the Parallax Trilogy will be completed this year. The Bad News is that Books 2 and 3 will probably be pushed back to later in the year because I want to finish Lights and Shadows and maybe Future Finders in between sequels. All in all, I have 3 books planned with the distinct possibility of 4 in all. Whoever said that writing, editing, and publishing 4 books in a single year wasn’t kidding when they said that it’s a task in a half.

Anyway, my New Year’s Eve was spent working at The Day Job, but even though I’m juggling time between that and Writing, I’m still in the game and I know that all the weeping and gnashing of teeth will pay off in the long run. Of course, the blog will continue.

Hope you all had a great time ringing in the new year and I wish you all much happiness, success, and prosperity in 2016.

Onward and Upward…

10 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2016: Onward and Upward

  1. Life Is A Journey,
    But My Best Wishes Are The Milestones
    That Will Give You Hope
    And Motivation To Move On.
    Am Wishing You A Joyous New Year!
    With warmth, love and blessings from MiddleMe to you and your readers.


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