Plugging Back In

I wasn’t planning on coming back before the beginning of the New Year, but I’ve been receiving messages asking why I seemingly dropped off the face of the Earth so I’m ending The Unplug a few days early. Truth to tell, I was missing you guys so here we are.

I’ve been doing the Unplugs for about two years now and each time, I learn something new from the experience. This time around, it became apparent to me that when online interactions take up so much of my daily routine and is then removed, that it leaves a void that is difficult to fill even with more Writing.

I’ve also been missing the grind, the fast daily pace when it never seems that I have enough time to accomplish what I feel needs to get done and more idle time on my hands doesn’t seem to help much. I apparently thrive under pressure…hehe.

10 thoughts on “Plugging Back In

  1. I know how you feel. A vacation sounded nice, but away from my daily routine I found myself bored. Where is the editing? The replies to Tweets? The tug of new ideas? We do what we do on social media because we like it, and it’s nice to be back.

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