December Apathy

I don’t know what happened…

It seems like only yesterday when I felt like I was riding high and hard charging with Lights and Shadows, but when the calendar changed to December, I began to spend more and more time staring at Scrivener and sighing. I mean literally sighing. The story is going well and I know what to say and how to say it. But…

The words just won’t seem to come out…

I’m sure it’s a temporary thing, but damn if it isn’t frustrating as all get out to hit a wall. Not really a wall per se. More like a thick sheet of Nerf material and the problem with that is no matter how hard you try to punch through, it just absorbs the impacts and stands there mocking you.

I’ve been taking a number of small breaks here and there, but I know that unless I want another “It took almost two years to finish this book”, I have to get it in gear and make some progress. No one I know aspires to do absolutely nothing and I am no exception. I could blame this situation on the Holiday Season, but I’d just be copping to a lie.

I believe my main problem is the schedule I’ve set, which admittedly is pretty strenuous, but it has to be that way because if I allow myself too much leeway, I’ll procrastinate until Satan begins ice skating to work…hehe.

As you probably figured it, this is one of those “Oh My God, the Sky is Falling!” sort of articles and I’m blowing off some steam in print. Thanks for indulging me. 🙂

Well, back to writing. 😉

12 thoughts on “December Apathy

      • Took me down completely and had me worried that all my writing files were irretrievably lost until I worked some magic in Windows and managed to transfer them to Google Drive. I ended up having to reinstall everything and now I’m downloading all the backups. So yes, some downtime…hehe. On the other hand, it made me appreciate the smaller things in Life, like playing Minecraft. 😉

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      • Funny story now that it’s basically over. I was trying that Windows 10 Upgrade (for the second time) and wasn’t liking it (for the second time), so I went to roll back to Windows 7. Unfortunately, during the rollback process, something got screwed up and I got the first Blue Screen of Death ever with this laptop. Ironically, I had just bought Minecraft and decided to go back to Windows 7 because 10 has no OpenGL support, which Minecraft needs to run. Microsoft released a Windows 10 Version, but I wasn’t pleased with it at all. For the Record, Minecraft is awesome! In my opinion, it’s basically playing with blocks for big kids in that you can build so many different things. I’m using the Creative Mode for now (go figure), because there are no enemies to worry about and your resources are unlimited, to learn how to play the game. For now, I can’t do any writing until the rest of my files download from Google Drive. Yes, I know that I could do something new but… 🙂

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  1. Stop staring at the shiny box for a day. Just let her be with her antics, then you can get back on the saddle after a breather and get on with it. Like you said maybe your schedule is grueling and the mind is rebelling. Grace to you.

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